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with Chad Connelly from FaithWins and David Barton from Wallbuilders


We are thrilled to announce we will be conducting our signature event, The American Restoration Tour, at

Southwood Baptist Church in Tallahassee, Florida September 25 at 6:00 pm. In the last 12 months, over 22,000 people (in-person) have attended one of these events in 20 states across the U.S.


And we have 60 more planned this Fall!


This event will breathe new life into your understanding of the relevance, power, and influence of the Bible...


As it pertains to our personal lives. 

As it pertains to experiencing revival.

As it pertains to being "salt & light" in our surrounding community. 

As it pertains to dealing with the pressing issues of our day. 

As it pertains to shaping America at our founding. 

And as it pertains to shaping and influencing America in the successive generations since the founding era and still to this day. 


There is no doubt in our minds that God's people in America are waking up and coming alive to what is happening in our nation. Like never before, Christian voices and votes NEED to be heard in our land. 


Chad Connelly of Faith Wins and America's premier historian David Barton of WallBuilders are teaming up together for “The American Restoration Tour: The Church Finds Its Voice." You are not going to want to miss this Nationwide tour - the largest series of events yet.


Christians have the opportunity to MAKE AN IMPACT, elect public servants with a grounded Biblical worldview who will push back on dangerous indoctrination of anti-American and anti-Biblical ideas in public schools and support traditional marriage and the family, save the lives of innocent babies by passing Pro-Life legislation and protect our democracy with secure elections.


Our goal is to maximize the Christian influence at every level and will be laser-focused on voter registration everywhere we go...your voice and your vote is so important!


Learn how to educate, activate and mobilize your Church and your Community to make a lasting impact within the governmental and political arenas.  



"And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in." ~ Isaiah 58:12


"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only one true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou has sent." ~ John 17:3


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